
Project Description Project Scope Ripley Central State School encourages learners to be EPIC (Empowered. Polite. Inclusive and Careful). The P-6 school in Queensland, wanted to create a stimulating and flexible learning environment for students and staff with an emphasis on colour. Classrooms: Soft seating zones, flexible desks and stacking chair arrangements were chosen to create interesting, infinite configurations, that give a feeling of ownership and encourage different learning modes. Curiosity Centre: An innovative space where furniture plays a role in encouraging curiosity. Agile, compatible furniture creates a welcoming, uncluttered environment with the ability to create different layouts and fresh looks, whilst maintaining a clear line of sight to all areas. Admin: Ergonomic, modern furniture and tailored to the requirements of staff members. BFX CASE STUDY Ripley Central State School Passion & Purpose Fitout of 24 classrooms, admin area and Curiosity Centre. Heavy emphasis on colour and how it complements the architecture. Age-appropriate, flexible classroom furniture to take the school into the future. Bob Blair Sales & Project Consultant In conjunction with the BFX Projects Team View the project gallery! Brisbane - QLD Resource Centre Specialists 1300 181 346 18 www.bfx.com.au | 1300 181 346